Delivers high-intensity focused ultrasound energy deep into the skin, without damaging the skin's surface, for tightening management.
Causes of wrinkles
Causes of shallow wrinkles
Increased breakdown of stromal cells
Weakening of the epidermal-dermal boundary layer
Impairment of the antioxidant system

Shallow wrinkles
Degradation of dead skin cells
Changes in the epidermis (degeneration)
Expansion of the stratum corneum
Internal factors (natural aging), external factors (UV rays, oxidation), etc.
Increase in MMPs and decrease in NMFs create shallow wrinkles
Causes of wrinkles
Causes of deep wrinkles

Epidermal layer
Dermal layer
Subcutaneous fat layer
Muscle layer
Wrinkle-less skin layers
Deep wrinkle skin layers
Decreased fibroblast function, decreased collagen, accumulation of denatured collagen, etc.
Decreased elasticity and the formation of deep wrinkles
How UV HIFU Works
Using high-intensity focused ultrasound

Similar to collecting sunlight with a magnifying glass to burn paper
Using the high heat of 65 to 100 degrees generated at the focus point when high-intensity ultrasonic energy is concentrated in one place
Delivers thermal energy to the dermis and SMAS layer (fascia) of the skinOnly works on targeted layers, leaving the skin's surface intact
Helps increase collagen synthesis and improves skin elasticity
How UV HIFU Works
From the dermis to the fascia

Focus ultrasound energy to skin conditions, with adjustable depthWorks only on the targeted layer, leaving the surface of the skin intact
This is how sagging skin tissue contracts and pulls up.
Detailing Care - 3 cartridges

Segmentation of cartridges: weak areas such as forehead, face, and body
UVHIFU is divided into cartridges based on the area they treat, allowing for granular management.
UV HIFU effects

Frown lines
Visible double chin
Drooping mouth lines
UV LIFTING : Intensive wrinkle and elasticity care for face and body