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The THERMATRES various tips deliver RF energy to induce collagen and elastin regeneration around the eyes, face, and neck. It can also be treated on the body, helping to break down cellulite and manage the body line.

Machine specification


Why you should choose Thermatres

Stable output and reliable clinical effectiveness

You can adjust the level and frequency of your customization

Wide availability and multiple skin layers applicable

It can be applied to thin skin/off cheeks and can fundamentally solve skin diseases (atopy/skin inflammation/trouble) problematic skin

No downtime and no additional consumables required

No additional cartridges required

Deterioration of NMF
(Natural Moisturizing Factor)

shallow wrinkles
Deterioration of keratinocytes
Changes (degeneration) in the epidermis
expansion of the stratum corneumI

Increase in MMPs
(Micro Multi Pulse System)

Increased decomposition of stromal cells
Weakening of the epidermis-dermis boundary layer
Damage to the antioxidant system

Causes of  Wrinkles
Causes of shallow and deep wrinkles

Internal factors (natural aging), external factors (ultraviolet rays, oxidation), etc .
Creation of shallow wrinkles due to increase in MMP sand decrease in NMF

Decrease in fibroblast function, decrease in collagen,
accumulation of denatured collagen, etc.
Reduced elasticity and formation of deep wrinkles

Effect of Thermal RF Skin

  • Body line improvement

  • New collagen production

  • Improve wrinkle elasticity

  • Improving the skin texture of pores

The regeneration of collagen in the dermis increases the density of the dermis
which increases the skin layer and thickness

Thermatres tip introduction

S Tip (15mm)

for face

Prohibition of peri-thyroid treatment


M Tip (23mm)

for face

Prohibition of peri-thyroid treatment


L Tip (38mm)

for body

Prohibition of low-fat bone treatment


Uniform energy irradiation
Stable output and accurate investigation

Delivers high-frequency energy to the dermal layer and stimulates the dermal tissue
Induces skin regeneration from with a natural regenerative effect


Secure and detailed bare face care unique to THERMATRES

Screen descriptions

시술 Q&A 복사.png

Before & After


Before & After

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