VCM RF / EMS / LED machine
NEWVIS raises deep heat and warms the whole body for healthy car
A method of sweating with external heatin the case of a sauna it feels cool for a moment,but rather lowers body temperature after sauna. NEWVIS uses RF high frequency,EMS low frequency, and LED cause heat and irritation increase the body's energy expenditure and activity Raises core temperature and promotes healthy beauty
Once with RF high frequency,once again with EMS low frequency
Use of low- and mid-frequency patches instead of simply using a footrestIncrease deep heat with high frequency,and contract and relax muscles with lowand medium frequency stimulation
Those who have cold body
The human body is always trying to maintain a normal body temperature, and when the body temperature rises by about 1 degree, about 20% of the basal metabolic rate increases.
Those who feel heavy and often swell
Stimulates fat cells by activating blood circulation. Promotes detoxification and dissolves fat It is also effective for body lifting
Those who need easy treatment
Newvis can take care of not only physical fatiguebut also mental fatigue with warm warmth andpain-free treatment it as well as a short treatment time. перевод
Those who need smooth circulaton of blood
It raises deep deep heat and expands bloodvessels, helping to improve blood circulationand metabolism.